Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wordfull Wednesday~Meet the Teacher

I cannot believe it is time to start school again. Didn't they just get out for the summer? How can I possibly have a first and third grader? I think times flies by faster and faster every year.

Gates is excited about his school supplies!

Gates and his awesome teacher, Ms. Washburn!
(we know she's awesome because Anna Reed had her too)
Check out the gum he didn't hide well enough!

Anna Reed trying out her desk. She has her "hurry up and take this pic so we can get some pancakes at McDonald's" smile on!

Anna Reed and Ms. McKinnis.


Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

Aha! NOW it looks like I will be able to successfully post this comment!

april may and june said...

that's so neat that they get to have the same teacher. I'm sure that's going to eventually happen to us as well. With 4 kids we're bound to end up having a teacher more than once.. I just hope it's a teacher that we all like :)